Friday 8 October 2021

Ah! THAT Was A Day To Remember For A Long, Long Time!

Back to this blog after... How many years? The last one I remember was published in 2014 and drafted some articles here and there, like this one until 2016. I was busy on working other blogs and websites. Check my other websites Digi Critics and Madfoxy. Hereafter, I'll continue blogging regularly here. 

The incident I'm about to write about happened in 2016, yo. One of my seniors from college who is a philanthropy enthusiast hit me up at my house and said he's willing to arrange some activities for the unprivileged and unfortunate. I said, yes sir! 

We then discussed the topics we have to talk about and the schools/colleges we can cover within a full day. After a long day, we convinced an Engineering College Principal to conduct a workshop on Entrepreneurship and Communication Skills for zero cost and we expected the principal's presence and a few volunteers to attend another workshop at a government school. 

The day has come; first was to attend the Engineering College and conduct the workshop for the students of several branches, and create awareness to the students about entrepreneurship and some skills.

The students were enthusiastic all over and the college management has received us very well. The Principal, Mr Ramesh has agreed to visit another program where we would be conducting a workshop. 

In the meantime, we found another government school whose principal happens to be a member of Jana Vignana Vedika, an association that creates awareness about superstitious beliefs. He was very glad to have us in the school; we conducted some programs for the kids in the school and distributed food, clothes and some other student things. We have conducted a similar workshop at the same place in 2014 and I blogged about that too. Click here to read about that experience. I have a pic too, yo.

We then moved on to another government school and there, we have arranged for lunch to the kids and staff and distributed the student things like books, stationary et al. 

Here are the pics: 

We ended the day with the satisfaction of seeing many kids smile all over our presence in the schools. That was one of the best days in 2016. 


That's it for now, that's it from here. Please refer to the links in the above piece. I'll soon come up with something else that I find interesting to share and worthy to read. Until then, stay healthy and safe. :)

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