Sunday 15 June 2014

My Father: The Hope of My Life

I really don't know that today is fathers' day till I see some posts on my Facebook wall. I have just gone through a video in Facebook on fathers day. It took me back to my relation with my dad. Yea, I'm gonna share my experience with my dad now. 

Since childhood, I used to spend most of time with my mother before and after school. There was more communication gap between me and my dad. Being a police officer, he used to have a very busy schedule and seldom he used to communicate with me and my brother. 

I had no proper communication with my dad in my childhood. He used to scold me for my silly mistakes and then used to try to bring me close to him, but I used to refuse. I used to sacre after seeing him. I remember him mostly with a serious facial expression and was like nothing can affect him in this world. Doesn't matter what the situation is, he used to be always rigid and unmoved. May be this is the reason why I never felt close to my dad in childhood. I think he used to worry that my friends would ruin me ;). 
Even my friends used to refuse to come to my home to play cricket. I want to mention an incident here. When I was in 7th standard, my friend gave his cricket bat to keep with me for a day. Those are the days when I was ignoring studies and turning my interest towards the game. My dad observed this and broke the bat in anger. I was scared. That's just one incident, but it is interest on me. He used to always worry about my future and even today, he will speak to me a couple of times on phone. He always seemed not emotional, but he is!

As I grew day by day, year by year, I have started understanding his sacrifices for my family. I was the same guy hating him in my childhood and loving him now. It's my dad who has solved all my problems, he is one who thought me what is right and what is wrong. He always tried to make us understand the responsibillities. I think that is how a father is supposed to be and that is the role of father in a child's life, to make us strong and independent. He performed his job well. It's our turn to move forward with the confidence he shared with us. May be, I too may be just like him after becoming dad! I don't know. 

Happy fathers day! Thanks for reading. Have a great day.