Thursday 29 August 2013

What's your problem??

You know what your problem is? You get attached, fast. And once you are attached to someone, you do everything you can to please them and make them happy. It’s never been about what you want, it’s always everyone’s needs before your own.

You give out too many chances to people, who quite frankly, do not deserve them. They take advantage of you,and you become a pushover. But you’re okay with that, because they’re in your life and that’s all you ever wanted. And even if they screw you over, you’ll still be therefor them. Because that’s you, that’s who you are. Once you get attached to someone, they capture your heart and they always have a place there. 

Saturday 17 August 2013

Admit it!

Admit it. You aren’t like them. You’re not even close. You may occasionally dress yourself up as one of them, watch the same mindless television shows as they do, maybe even eat the same fast food sometimes. But it seems that the more you try to fit in, the more you feel like an outsider, watching the ‘normal people’ as they go about their automatic existences. For every time you say club passwords like ‘Have a nice day’ and ‘Weather’s awful today, eh?’ you yearn inside to say forbidden things like ‘Tell me something that makes you cry’ or ‘What do you think deja vu is for?’ Face it, you even want to talk to that girl in the elevator. But what if that girl in the elevator (and the balding man who walks past yourcubicle at work) are thinking the same thing? 

Who knows what you might learn from taking a chance on conversation with a stranger? Everybody carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others.

Timothy Leary.

Reacting and Responding

Reacting and Responding are two different things.It won't take much time to react on a situation but the outcome of such reaction will be probably negative. 

But it will take more time to respond on a situation.Here the outcome will positive because it takes time to respond. 

We have to think of the situation, analyse the situation and then proceed to the next step of giving our opinion. 

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Saturday 3 August 2013

Friendship Day?

And so it's a friendship day. Wait, a friendship day? Is there any quote on a friend?! Yeah, A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words - Unknown.

Not everyone who welcomes you with a smile is a friend. In many cases an enemy is better than a friend who counts mistakes always in you and thus provokes you to bounce back. And in my view the basic thing for a relationship so called friendship is a necessity which is also a base for any kind of relationship.

According to Stephen Covey there are three constants in life change, choice and principles. And hence for every person the other person is just a choice who can change for sure based on his principles. Probably those kinda people are treated as friends. #MyLifeWithExperience.