Friday 8 October 2021

Ah! THAT Was A Day To Remember For A Long, Long Time!

Back to this blog after... How many years? The last one I remember was published in 2014 and drafted some articles here and there, like this one until 2016. I was busy on working other blogs and websites. Check my other websites Digi Critics and Madfoxy. Hereafter, I'll continue blogging regularly here. 

The incident I'm about to write about happened in 2016, yo. One of my seniors from college who is a philanthropy enthusiast hit me up at my house and said he's willing to arrange some activities for the unprivileged and unfortunate. I said, yes sir! 

We then discussed the topics we have to talk about and the schools/colleges we can cover within a full day. After a long day, we convinced an Engineering College Principal to conduct a workshop on Entrepreneurship and Communication Skills for zero cost and we expected the principal's presence and a few volunteers to attend another workshop at a government school. 

The day has come; first was to attend the Engineering College and conduct the workshop for the students of several branches, and create awareness to the students about entrepreneurship and some skills.

The students were enthusiastic all over and the college management has received us very well. The Principal, Mr Ramesh has agreed to visit another program where we would be conducting a workshop. 

In the meantime, we found another government school whose principal happens to be a member of Jana Vignana Vedika, an association that creates awareness about superstitious beliefs. He was very glad to have us in the school; we conducted some programs for the kids in the school and distributed food, clothes and some other student things. We have conducted a similar workshop at the same place in 2014 and I blogged about that too. Click here to read about that experience. I have a pic too, yo.

We then moved on to another government school and there, we have arranged for lunch to the kids and staff and distributed the student things like books, stationary et al. 

Here are the pics: 

We ended the day with the satisfaction of seeing many kids smile all over our presence in the schools. That was one of the best days in 2016. 


That's it for now, that's it from here. Please refer to the links in the above piece. I'll soon come up with something else that I find interesting to share and worthy to read. Until then, stay healthy and safe. :)

Sunday 15 June 2014

My Father: The Hope of My Life

I really don't know that today is fathers' day till I see some posts on my Facebook wall. I have just gone through a video in Facebook on fathers day. It took me back to my relation with my dad. Yea, I'm gonna share my experience with my dad now. 

Since childhood, I used to spend most of time with my mother before and after school. There was more communication gap between me and my dad. Being a police officer, he used to have a very busy schedule and seldom he used to communicate with me and my brother. 

I had no proper communication with my dad in my childhood. He used to scold me for my silly mistakes and then used to try to bring me close to him, but I used to refuse. I used to sacre after seeing him. I remember him mostly with a serious facial expression and was like nothing can affect him in this world. Doesn't matter what the situation is, he used to be always rigid and unmoved. May be this is the reason why I never felt close to my dad in childhood. I think he used to worry that my friends would ruin me ;). 
Even my friends used to refuse to come to my home to play cricket. I want to mention an incident here. When I was in 7th standard, my friend gave his cricket bat to keep with me for a day. Those are the days when I was ignoring studies and turning my interest towards the game. My dad observed this and broke the bat in anger. I was scared. That's just one incident, but it is interest on me. He used to always worry about my future and even today, he will speak to me a couple of times on phone. He always seemed not emotional, but he is!

As I grew day by day, year by year, I have started understanding his sacrifices for my family. I was the same guy hating him in my childhood and loving him now. It's my dad who has solved all my problems, he is one who thought me what is right and what is wrong. He always tried to make us understand the responsibillities. I think that is how a father is supposed to be and that is the role of father in a child's life, to make us strong and independent. He performed his job well. It's our turn to move forward with the confidence he shared with us. May be, I too may be just like him after becoming dad! I don't know. 

Happy fathers day! Thanks for reading. Have a great day.

Thursday 17 April 2014

A day in the government school

Before moving to Hyderabad to join in ABN, I got a chance to spend some time with the school kids in the government school near to my home. Venkata Prashanth, one of my seniors in Engineering and also a close friend of mine is always interested in doing social service on behalf of his N.G.O Hope to needy, being a techie. I asked him to make me part of one of his social tasks like giving food to children, inspiring them by some motivational classes etc.

He remembered me and my word and gave a chance to be a part of his work. We have chosen a government school in Kadapa and have decided to provide lunch and exam accessories like pens and some sweets for the children. Prashanth bro have ordered some healthy food to supply for children as they will be served with poor lunch daily in government schools, which doesn't contain any nutrition elements in it. 

We have decided to do this on March 28th. Prashanth bro took the responsibility of distributing food and sweets to the school children. I took a laptop and started to give the power point presentation for the children on the great personalities like, Abdul Kalam, Sir C.V Raman, Sachin Tendulkar etc,. The children were so eager to learn the new things. Initially it was tough for us to manage them, but they have shown a lot of interest towards our presentation. They replied to our questions well, asked their doubts and got clarified.

There were around 200 children in the school. Their education facilities were too good as they have got very good teachers to teach and also school children were good in their studies. All they lack is basic needs in the school environment. That's the only difference between the corporate schools and government schools. It is not a tough job for the government to provide the basic need, of course it is doing, but there is no proper care for that.

Anyhow, it was a good day to remember. Thanks Prashant anna :)

Saturday 23 November 2013

Sanskrit - The mother of all the languages.

A language is just a medium to understand the thoughts of the people.

By seeing the title don't come to the conclusion that Sanskrit( or Samskrut) is the mother of all the languages. But Sanskrit gave rise to many languages in Asia and around it. Most of the Indian languages in are generated from Sanskrit.

Apart from Sanskrit, Latin was in use in wide range in the South American countries. And Greek is also one of the ancient languages that was popular in the European countries. But based on the ratio of the people, it's Sanskrit that gave rise to many other languages through out the world.

There are 6,909 languages among which only 230 are spoken in Europe while 2197 are spoken in Asia.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Sach-in my life

I have seen too many posts on Sachin Tendulkar like never before in the past few days. I too want to post on my accounts on Facebook and Twitter but I really have no words to express and I don't even know where to start with!

Sachn Tendulkar. In my view you're not just a player, you're my addiction. Hard to forget a person like you. I still remember you banging Shoiab Akthar with upper cuts and then Virender Sehwag following you with similar shots in 2003 cricket WC. That's the first time I saw you and that's the first time I started playing cricket with my MRF cricket bat that I bought after a long argument with my dad to buy it for 110 INR.

There on wards I have never loved any other game like cricket and I have never liked any other person like Sachin Tendulkar. Sachin is like the brand ambassador of World Cricket. I can't even imagine cricket without him. His dedication towards the game is awesome. He is the same guy today and the day when he started playing cricket. His dedication towards the game is same. This is amazing. I've seen many cricketers who take the victory to the head and make themselves down by digging their destiny on their own. Sachin is the best example of "Mister Clean". I think that's the reason for why he is treated as the God of Cricket.

He is the real ratna(pearl) of India even though the govt of India doesn't recognize him with Bharata Ratna. But there are so many sports men who deserve that award. Like Dhyan Chand, who made hockey as the national game of India and made it more popular even before independence to India. Even the sports ministry suggested his name for Bharata Ratna. And one more such guy is Vishwanathan Anand who made chess popular in a nation where it was invented but was hidden under the popularity of cricket and hockey. Pankaj Advani and Geeth Sethi too. These guys are masters in billiards. They can bring medals if billiards is part of Olympic games.

Anyways, coming back for today's match, Sachin's emotional speech made me so emotional. I was in tears for a while. I still can't believe that I can't see him playing cricket in any jersey in Indian Cricket Team. I can clearly sense his absence in cricket. It's not going to be an interesting game like before. I can't event think watching cricket without Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar!! Adieu sir.. Sun ra ha hai na tu.... Ro raha hoon main!!

Thursday 29 August 2013

What's your problem??

You know what your problem is? You get attached, fast. And once you are attached to someone, you do everything you can to please them and make them happy. It’s never been about what you want, it’s always everyone’s needs before your own.

You give out too many chances to people, who quite frankly, do not deserve them. They take advantage of you,and you become a pushover. But you’re okay with that, because they’re in your life and that’s all you ever wanted. And even if they screw you over, you’ll still be therefor them. Because that’s you, that’s who you are. Once you get attached to someone, they capture your heart and they always have a place there. 

Saturday 17 August 2013

Admit it!

Admit it. You aren’t like them. You’re not even close. You may occasionally dress yourself up as one of them, watch the same mindless television shows as they do, maybe even eat the same fast food sometimes. But it seems that the more you try to fit in, the more you feel like an outsider, watching the ‘normal people’ as they go about their automatic existences. For every time you say club passwords like ‘Have a nice day’ and ‘Weather’s awful today, eh?’ you yearn inside to say forbidden things like ‘Tell me something that makes you cry’ or ‘What do you think deja vu is for?’ Face it, you even want to talk to that girl in the elevator. But what if that girl in the elevator (and the balding man who walks past yourcubicle at work) are thinking the same thing? 

Who knows what you might learn from taking a chance on conversation with a stranger? Everybody carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others.

Timothy Leary.